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Kansas Bible Camp

And that's a wrap on Summer 2024!

We had a great summer with a full schedule! We had over one thousand campers hear the Good News of a loving Creator who gave His only Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Many heard the call of the gospel and responded in faith. Praise the Lord!
We were so grateful for the many volunteers of all ages who came to speak, serve, clean, provide first aid, cook, counsel, assist with campus maintenance and upkeep, and the many who gave of their resources to ensure that the work continued here at Kansas Bible Camp this summer!

Advocate, Teacher, Reminder

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will cause you to remember everything I said to you. - John 14:26 NET

Do you have a favorite teacher? What is it about them that you value most? There is so much to appreciate about the Holy Spirit. In this verse, the Lord Jesus promised the Father would send the Spirit in His name. As Advocate, the Holy Spirit supported the gospel work of the disciples. As Teacher, the Spirit taught them all they needed to know in order to do all they needed to do. As Reminder, He brought to their minds everything Jesus had said. The needs of Jesus’ followers haven’t changed. There’s no greater “subject” than following Jesus, and we have no greater teacher than the Holy Spirit! The Spirit strongly supports the continuing work of introducing people to Jesus, and encouraging those who know Him to live for Him - our mission at Kansas Bible Camp. He does this in Jesus’ followers by teaching us the truth and reminding us of all that Jesus said. He is simultaneously at work in the lives of those who haven’t met Jesus yet; convicting them they are wrong, illuminating what is right, and helping them to see they are guilty enough to go to hell forever apart from Jesus Christ. Desperate people need an Advocate. Ignorant people need a Teacher. Forgetful people need a Reminder. Praise God for the Advocate, Teacher, Reminder we have in the Holy Spirit! - AH

Subscribe to our weekly summer prayer updates!

We invite you to join us in praying for the Lord's work at KBC this summer by being a part of our weekly summer email list.

A list of praise reports and prayer requests, as well as some general information about the camp, goes out on Wednesday afternoons when camp is in session. We are so grateful for the Lord's provision and continue to ask Him to work through our ministry.

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